Émile d’Ames
Anathema Cassiline; Guard to the Queen
"To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle.?
Posts: 463
Post by Émile d’Ames on Feb 11, 2010 20:06:54 GMT -5
The good news is that Emile is once again free to wander around in the City of Elua! Huzzah! The bad news is that his brother is sufficiently miffed at him that he's set him an impossible task! The prize? Landis will trust him again. All Emile has to do is find an apple that has the ability to restore a man's youth. Yeah, Landis is so vindictive he sends people on errands for something that doesn't exist...or does it?? Does anyone want to help him out so his brother doesn't stay angry at him? The thread is here: terredange.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=cofeartisansdistrict&action=display&thread=5531&page=1#1265936655